简介:Charlie is released from prison and immediately swindled by a fake parson. A fellow ex-convict convinces Charlie to help burglarize a house, but Edna, the house's owner, catches them and calls the police. Charlie, however, manages to charm his way out o
简介: 查理(查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin 饰)是一个居无定所的流浪汉,陪伴着他的只有一把小提琴,每当心情沮丧的时候,查理都会拉响他的小提琴,悠扬的乐声总是能够帮助他重新找回快乐。一次偶然中,查理遇见了一位被虐待的姑娘(艾德娜·珀薇安丝 Edna Purviance 饰),善良的他挺身而出救下了姑娘,带着她一起流浪。虽然不能够为这个姑娘提供多么优渥的物质条件,但查理至少能够保证不让她受到一丁点的伤害。 之后,两人遇见了一名画家,画家被姑娘的美貌所吸引,将她画在了画中,在此过程中,姑娘对画家芳心暗许。画家将这张画公开展出,一位贵妇通过姑娘身上的胎记识别出,她竟然就是自己失散多年的女儿。
简介:After amusements working in a restaurant, Charlie uses his lunch break to go roller skating. Mr. Stout makes advances toward the unwilling Edna (whose father and Mrs. Stout had earlier carried on in the restaurant). After a roller skate ballet, Charlie (now as Sir Cecil Seltzer) is invited to a party at Edna's. All the "couples", including a new partner for Mr. Stout. show up.